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  • Writer's pictureDiane Currie Sam

Background Research

The story of Olivia O is set about 6 years ago (2017). I am not an investigative journalist, but I have been (somewhat obsessively) following the excellent reporting of others. I have tremendous respect for journalists and activists who have put their neck on the line and worked tirelessly to get this story out.

Some Reseach Links:


William D. Lopez

My Boy Will Die of Sorrow

Efrén C. Oliviares

UN Refugee Agency

ABC News

United States Senate

NY Times

No More Deaths/ La Coalición de Derechos Humanos

Separated: Inside an American Tragedy

This book is the story of award-winning NBC News correspondent and his attempts to find out the full truth behind the Trump administration’s systematic separation of families at the US-Mexico border.

More LInks:

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